PHIL 358/CS 222
[Teaching Staff | Overview | Schedule & Readings | Grading | Notes/Handouts]
Quarter: Winter
Instructors: Eric Pacuit, Yoav Shoham and Johan van Benthem
Meeting Times: Mondays, 2:15PM - 4:05PM
First Class: Monday, April 6
Location: School of Education, RM 206
Instructors: Eric Pacuit, Yoav Shoham and Johan van Benthem
Meeting Times: Mondays, 2:15PM - 4:05PM
First Class: Monday, April 6
Location: School of Education, RM 206
First Class
The first class meets on Monday, April 6. Email me (epacuit AT stanford DOT edu) with any questions about the course.
Teaching Staff
Eric Pacuit
Email: epacuit AT stanford DOT edu
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Building 90, Room 92B
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Building 90, Room 92B
Yoav Shoham
Email: shoham AT stanford DOT edu
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Gates 140
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Gates 140
Johan van Benthem
Email: johan AT csli DOT stanford DOT edu
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office: Building 100 Room 101B
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office: Building 100 Room 101B
Thomas Icard
Email: icard AT stanford DOT edu
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Building 100, Room 102K
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Building 100, Room 102K
Course Description: Studying rational agents involves many different aspects including
(but not limited to) action, knowledge, belief, desires, and revision. This course covers all
these ingredients toward the goal of understanding how these things work together. In fact, not
all parts of this story have been developed within one single discipline. The course will also
bring together several research programs: from philosophy, computer science, logic, and game
theory, and try to see their various contributions in one coherent manner. So this course is
also an introduction to interfaces between disciplines.
Note that this course is not intended as a general introduction to knowledge representation. Rather, it covers a few selected central topics from current research. Administratively, the course is 3 units and is the merging of two courses, CS 222 and Phil 358. (You can register for either, and the requirements are the same regardless.)
Note that this course is not intended as a general introduction to knowledge representation. Rather, it covers a few selected central topics from current research. Administratively, the course is 3 units and is the merging of two courses, CS 222 and Phil 358. (You can register for either, and the requirements are the same regardless.)
Course Material: Specific topics that will be introduced during the course include 1.
logics of knowledge and belief, 2. information dynamics and belief revision, 3. logics of
preference and preference change, 4. logics of motivational mental attitudes, 5. logics of
individual and collective action and 6. group phenomena and issues of social choice.
Prerequisites: Required background is knowledge of propositional and first-order logic.
Familiarity with modal logic is a plus, but not a requirement: we will try to set up sections
providing the necessary background.
Recitation Sessions
There are weekly (required) recitation sessions led by Thomas Icard.
Times: TBA
Location: TBA
Location: TBA
Schedule & Readings
Below is a tentative schedule with the required readings. We will continually update the
schedule and reading material as the course proceeds.
Date | Lecture Topic | Reading |
4/6 | Introduction to the course, static logics of knowledge and beliefs |
TBD | Continuing with multiagent epistemic logic including common knowledge |
4/13 | Belief dynamics: belief revision, belief update, relations to nonmonotonic logics, consequence relations, and probabilistic models; multi-agent belief revision |
4/20 | Logics of time, action, agency and ability. |
TBD | Catchup lecture | |
4/27 | Beyond epistemics: intentions and the BDI model |
5/4 | Reasoning about preferences |
5/11 | Epistemic dynamics: dynamic epistemic logic, epistemic temporal logic, belief change, preference change |
5/18 | Logic and coalitional game theory |
5/25 | No Classes (Memorial Day) | |
6/1 | Logic and game theory (Lecturer: Johan van Benthem) |
Additional Reading Material
Below is a list of some additional reading material related to some of the topics we will discuss in this course. This is not a complete list of all relevant material, but a reasonably large sampling.- We focus on Chapter 13 & 14 in this class, but there is other material relevant for this
course in the book.
- Yoav Shoham and Kevin Leyton-Brown, Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- A modern introduction to modal logic.
Patrick Balckburn and Johan van Benthem, A Semantics Introduction to Modal
Logic in: Handbook of Modal Logic, P. Blackburn, J. van Bentem
and F. Wolter editors, Elsevier, 2007 (
Patrick Balckburn and Johan van Benthem, A Semantics Introduction to Modal
Logic in: Handbook of Modal Logic, P. Blackburn, J. van Bentem
and F. Wolter editors, Elsevier, 2007 (
- An essay bringing together many of the themes discussed in this course.
- Johan van Benthem, Information Dynamics, Rational Agency and Intelligent
Interaciton Chapter 1 in Logical Dynamics of Information and
Interaction, forthcoming (
- Johan van Benthem, Information Dynamics, Rational Agency and Intelligent
Interaciton Chapter 1 in Logical Dynamics of Information and
Interaction, forthcoming (
- A textbook focused on epistemic logic.
- R. Fagin, J. Halpern, Y. Moses and M. Vardi, Reasoning About Knowledge, MIT Press (1995)
- A recent textbook focused on many of the issues we discussed in this course.
- H. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek and B. Kooi, Dynamic Epistemic Logic
- A paper which provides an relatively up-to-date survey of the literature on BDI models.
- W. van der Hoek and M. Wooldridge, Towards a logic of rational agency,
Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 133-157
- W. van der Hoek and M. Wooldridge, Towards a logic of rational agency,
Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 133-157
There will be 4 problem sets on the material covered in class and a final paper on a topic
related to the course. Details
about the paper topics will be provided later in the course.